Before and after eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow tattoo Melbourne makeup has a vast number of advantages, starting from convenience and ending with a beautiful and neat appearance. Each procedure is an individual work of the cosmetic tattoo specialist, who chooses the colour of pigment, shape, and length of eyebrows based on the colour type and condition of the client’s face and eyes. The final result directly depends on the specialist’s work and the quality of the materials. However, the no less important factor in obtaining the best outcome is the quality of skin care after eyebrow tattooing. Maintenance consists of simple actions, but they help to get perfect eyebrows. Our article discusses what to do during the period of skin recovery.

Eyebrow Tattoo Melbourne

Why is eyebrow tattoo care so critical?

Even the most popular powder eyebrows and, even more so, other PM techniques involve traumatisation of the dermis. In the process of tattooing, a thin needle is inserted into the upper layers of the skin, resulting in its thinning and vulnerability. Micro wounds may cause infection if you do not care for the skin after the procedure correctly. One of the essential requirements is to observe hygiene. If negligent about it, the consequences can be unpredictable. In the best case, the effect of permanent makeup will change; it will become unappealing, and pigment can fully or partially come out, go spots, and lose shade. At worst, an infection will be introduced, which will cause redness, suppuration and other adverse body reactions. That is why care is so critical.

Primary care is provided by a master immediately after the procedure, and a healing antibacterial product is applied to the area. Note that care is an individual issue; it depends on the body’s reaction to the procedure itself tattooed eyebrows. Sometimes, a master can recommend not to do anything with the skin during its recovery, and sometimes will make a list of actions and means that must be used for a certain period. The critical task is to follow all the recommended steps.

Preparation for the procedure is one of the stages

To get a beautiful and correct effect of eyebrow tattoo Melbourne, it is essential to care for the damaged area after the session correctly and before it. There are several recommendations on how to prepare for the procedure:

  • Do not traumatise the skin before your eyebrow tattoo procedure. Do not pluck eyebrows, do not colour them before the process, or carry out cosmetic procedures. In particular, under the ban scrubbing, peeling, Botox and lamination of eyebrows;
  • Postpone the procedure if the area of the future tattoo forms inflammatory processes. For example, herpes or the skin was traumatised (wounds, cuts, abrasions). It will be possible to do eyebrow tattooing once the skin has healed and recovered.
  • Rules of skin care after permanent makeup

    Specific rules of care for the area after PM guarantee rapid healing of the dermis and its recovery. We recommend strictly following them to get a good result.

On the day of the treatment

Immediately after the session, the skin will be swollen and reddened. As soon as the body’s initial reaction has passed (approximately 1-2 hours), the traumatised skin will begin to secrete blood (lymph), which should be disposed of immediately.

If the lymph is not wiped off in time, keeping the skin moist, the skin will become dry, and the lymph fluid will dry out, becoming a thick, rough and unsightly crust. It would be best to eliminate the juice with an antibacterial product that dries the skin. The best option is chlorhexidine, but it can be any similar option purchased in a pharmacy. Wipe the area with a cotton swab. An alternative is a clean, soft, lint-free cloth. With a cotton swab soaked in chlorhexidine, it is necessary to press on the area to treat the skin gently. Vigorous rubbing is not allowed – you can further traumatise the thin dermis.

This simple procedure should be performed as often as possible for the first few hours without letting the lymph dry out.  Repeat the procedure every 15-20 minutes. Next, the frequency will decrease as the skin has begun healing, so less lymph is released. It would be best not to wash your face while the lymph fluid protrudes. Towards evening, you can wash your face with warm (not hot!) water, using micellar water or baby liquid soap.

The next day

Twenty-four hours later, the eyebrows will become darker on the second day due to pigment adaptation and colour mixing with the lymph secreted during the night. In this period, lymph is usually no longer perspired, but if it occurs, it must be removed according to the previous scheme.

The care should be according to the specialist’s recommendations. You should not use “self-medication” and apply self-selected products to the skin. If the specific healing ointments are recommended, they should be used no more than 3-4 times daily. The cream should be applied in a thin layer for 2 hours and then carefully wiped with a damp cotton swab. During this period, try not to wet the skin, do not use hot water and do not steam the area. Therefore, lying in the bathtub, visiting the bath, and swimming pool is forbidden. It is also strictly prohibited to use decorative cosmetics for eyebrows and to carry out any cosmetological procedures over them.

Within a week

Crusts start to appear on the third day. It is challenging to say unambiguously what they will be like; the body’s reaction and the dermis’ quality of care for the previous two days are essential. They can be thick (scarce), but most often, especially if powder eyebrows are made, the crusts appear slightly peeling. Whatever the crusts are, you should not try to tear them off to speed up the process of their departure. The dead skin should come off without your help. If the process of skin dying off is not disturbed, it will happen within 2-3 days.

The formation of itching indicates that the skin is healing, which is a correct and standard process. You should not scratch the area, but if the itching is severe, you can relieve the irritation by pressing your fingers near the tattoo. You can also use a cotton bud, pressing lightly along the eyebrows.

Washing with water is allowed, but it should be warm or room temperature. You can use baby soap or micellar water. During this period, dryness and tight skin in permanent makeup are characteristic. If the crusts are rough, they can be softened and moisturised with ordinary petroleum jelly, which is sold in every pharmacy.

Moisturised skin is the key to the fastest descent of hard crusts. Nothing needs to be done if they are thin, like a film. Such peeling indicates that the care is carried out correctly, and the effect of permanent makeup will be closest to the ideal.

During the second week

By the end of the first week, the crusts are gradually coming off. They should still not be touched, as this may cause damage to the skin, the pigment to come out, and the dye to be unevenly distributed.

Once the crusts have entirely come off, the pigment shade will become lighter, but within a short time (a day or two), it will darken slightly again. The amount of residue and the shadow of the pigment are individual, but the shade can change.

When the crusts are entirely gone, petroleum jelly or previously used moisturisers are no longer necessary. Skin care is considered to be over. Further, you can apply any quality softening cream to the tattooing area for another week. The application of cream is better to carry out in the morning and the evening before going to bed. Remember its amount – any care product should be applied in a thin layer.

Within a month

After two weeks, the skin heals, but the skin repair process, pigment settling, and determination of the final result continue. During this period, steaming the skin is still not allowed, and it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics. It is strictly forbidden to scrub skin in the eyebrow area, peel or perform any other cosmetological procedures associated with traumatising the skin.

It is not recommended to expose the skin to direct sunlight. If you plan to be outdoors for a long time, apply sunscreen to the skin and cover your eyebrows with a hat or glasses. If tattooing is done in winter, cover it with a hood.

During the 28 days while the skin regenerates, the final result of the permanent is determined. It can be perfect, and there may be minor defects in gaps or irregularities. The colour of the eyebrows may become lighter or even disappear.

After 28 days, it is already possible to correct. It will eliminate all the defects, saturate the tattoo with colour and prolong the effect.

This should not be done after eyebrow tattooing.

During the period of regeneration and recovery of the skin, it is forbidden to go to the sauna or solarium. The swimming pool can not be visited until complete skin healing, as chlorinated water can cause harm by getting into the traumatised dermis.

It is not recommended to drink alcohol for the first four days, as it suppresses the immune system, thereby increasing the likelihood of catching the virus. During the week, you should exercise moderately to avoid sweat on the still-unhealed eyebrows. Also, prolonged stays in hot rooms should be excluded to prevent sweating.

Melbourne Eyebrow Tattoo

As soon as the crusts come off, all prohibitions are removed.

Correction is a mandatory stage of permanent makeup, especially for powder eyebrows. We wrote about it in detail in this article. Here, we will only point out that it is better to do it, as it will prolong the effect and give the eyebrows a beautiful saturation of colour.


Taking care of the skin after correction

Particular attention should be paid to skin care after correction. The skin is re-traumatised since the sentence is the same as the first basic procedure. Care needs to be similar to that after the first session.

The only difference in care is that the eyebrows are finalised in sections during the correction, so not the entire tattoo area is traumatised. Consequently, the skin will heal faster. Nevertheless, care is necessary and should be taken as seriously as before.

Proper eyebrow care after tattooing = perfect result

The tattoo artist is responsible for the PM’s quality and the shape and colour of your eyebrows. But as soon as you leave the PM studio, all responsibility for all actions is shifted to your shoulders.

If you want your eyebrows to be beautiful, follow the master’s recommendations. Do not self-medicate. If there is an individual body reaction in the form of allergies, redness, swelling, or infection and suppuration, consult a doctor and notify your tattoo artist.

Remember that at the stage of skin care after permanent eyebrow makeup, it is up to you what the result will be. Therefore, take it with complete seriousness. After all, your appearance and beauty depend on it.

Before and after eyebrow tattoo

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